Dedicate a Tree or Trees in the Name of Someone Special

Your $75 donation plants a tree at a school, park or neighborhood

Dedicate a Tree or Trees in the Name of Someone Special image

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We will send you a printable certificate of your donation with your custom message! Perfect for gift giving or just to show you are taking good care of your community. Here is the reason we need your help:

Keep Durham Beautiful helps communities and children. We provide neighborhoods and volunteers with tools and facilitate their own leadership to create cleaner, greener, healthier and safer spaces.

When neighbors ask us to help them plant trees we rely on many contributors. Generous donors like you provide the funds needed to purchase trees and materials.

Curious children and their parents living nearby often come out to investigate and learn about the new tree they'll get to watch grow and enjoy. Planting a trees makes a long-lasting impact!

Planting the trees give volunteers and neighbors a sense of accomplishment, community pride, and a bonding experience. We show that Durham cares about our people, our communities, and our environment.

Your donation today makes more moments like this possible!

Donate now if you value:

  • A cleaner, greener and safer Durham
  • Less litter, more trees
  • Native pollinator habitat, and healthy local food resources
  • Less waste, conserving for a healthy future
  • Neighbors meeting neighbors
  • Volunteers from diverse backgrounds joining for a common purpose
  • Giving communities and individuals the tools, resources, and sense of leadership they need to make a real difference in taking care of Durham's many special spaces
Thank you for helping us take good care of Durham. We could not do it without you!