Your donation helps us build cleaner and greener Durham communities!

When Keep Durham Beautiful helps a community, we empower individuals and neighborhoods, providing them with tools and facilitating their own leadership to create cleaner, greener and safer spaces.

Your donation helps us build cleaner and greener Durham communities! image




When Keep Durham Beautiful helps a community, we empower individuals and neighborhoods, providing them with tools and facilitating their own leadership to create cleaner, greener and safer spaces.

We bring together the financial resources, the tools and trees and flowers, and the volunteer people power to make amazing things happen in Durham.

A group of community members recognized a problem with a very hot parking lot in Downtown Durham with no trees. Keep Durham Beautiful collected the donations, purchased the trees, sought the permissions needed to make a tree planting happen, and pulled together the volunteers who over two weekend planting days, were able to transform a hot paved parking lot into a shady grove that not only cooled the cars and the sidewalks but also provided much needed habitat for pollinators, birds and other small creatures to enhance our ecosystem.

With your help, we can create win-win opportunities for our volunteers to give back to Durham!